Returning to the name of COREA resolves problems arising from Dokdo and the East Sea.
● An act of aggression by Japan
Although Dokdo island is distinctly a Korean territory, Japan has insisted that not only it be hers but East Sea be the Sea of Japan as well. This action is a provocative invasion of our territorial soil and waters, which we cannot overlook. In order for Russia and Japan to gain sovereign control over our territory, the so called Gando; Hekryongkang-seong(黑龍江省), gillim-seong(吉林省), and Yoonyoung- seong(遼寧省) as well as the Korean peninsula, Japan declared war against Russia on February 8, 1904 and won the battle in Fall 1905 in a year and a half. In the midst of the war, during August 1904, the Japanese government tried to establish a military watchtower to observe Russian battleships on Dokdo island. Even though Japan knew that Dokdo island belonged to Korea, she played a dirty trick by placing a fisherman of Simanehyion(島根현) Nakai Yosabro(中井養三郞: 중정량삼랑)there. We all know the story goes as follows: “On September 29, 1904, Nakai Yoosabro requested to the departments of Foreign affairs, Internal affairs, and Agricultural and Commercial affairs that Dokdo island be annexed to Simanehyeon. As requested, the Japanese government incorporated it with a prior occupation, they claimed.
If it stands reason in such logic, a fisherman of Geojae(巨濟) island of Korea sends a petition to the Korean government requesting that Goojoo(九州) of Japanese territory be incorporated into Geojae island. Then the government accepts his request and can annex Goojoo to Geojae island as a Korean territory. In order to rationalize this trick, on January 28, 1905, the Japanese cabinet named Dokdo island Dakesiam(竹島) in Japanese, designated it as a part of Simanehyeon, and regarded it as the grounds of possession of Dokdo island.
● Do not forget Japanese brutality
In the same year of 1905, on November 17, the treaty of Eulsabohojoyaak, also known as Eulsanekyaak(乙巳勒約), was forcefully entered between Korea and the Japanese empire, regardless of our will, where the sovereignty of Korea(Daehan empire: Korea) was deprived. It was 102 years in passing since the annexation of Japan and Korea on August 22, 1910. During such a long period of time, the history of our country was distorted by Japan. Under the Japanese purging policy, we could not speak our own language. Japan deprived us of the freedom of speech, freedom of the press, freedom of assembly, and freedom of association and killed a numerous amount of our patriots. Also, we suffered from emotional and mental distress aroused from a inferiority complex as people of the Japanese colony. 100 years is a long time. There has come a time now for us to attempt a revolutionary reformation of consciousness along with our awakening. It is time to undo everything that has been messed up by the Japanese empire with the revival of the self-respect and indomitable spirit of Dongyibaedalhanminjok(東夷倍達韓民族: 동이배달한민족,a nomadic tribe from a high mountain-region who lived in northeastern Asia who were heavenly-descended skillful bow handlers with an awakening of truth).
● No confidence of victory with Donghae(東海: East sea)
There is no confidence and just cause with Donghae(East sea) in the event that tricky Japan insists it as the Sea of Japan. The name of our country was originally COREA and the Eastern sea of the Korean peninsula, Dokdo, was called the SEA OF COREA. Donghae(East sea) is not a concept of possession but a mere direction and orientation. It is of no use to blame Japan without changing ourselves. The Japanese absurd insistence is a natural result from our wrong way of thinking. The fundamental thing is to get rid of the remaining vestiges of Japanese imperialism and not only to reinstate the name of our country as COREA but also to restore the SEA OF COREA. Using COREA, the original name of our country, solves naturally the problems of Dokdo island and the sea of East.
● The origin of Caule(Cauly) is from Gaule(高句麗: G sounds the same as C in Korean)
The origin of the name of our country written in the Latin alphabet seems to be derived from Gaule that ruled and controlled the whole Asian continent for 900 years from BC231 to AD 668. Joomong(朱蒙: Chumo, Jumong, Dongmyoung ) emperor, the founder of the country, built a Helsenggol (紇升骨)castle as a capital city at Jolbon river(卒本川) and named Gaule for his country. Gaule is a Yidu language called as such during about 1141-1107. It seems that the Yidu language was called as Hanseo, Gukseo, or Gamyoung during the Gaule dynasty. In other words, the name of the country was called Gaule(高句麗) in our phonetic language. When Gaule is written in Hanja(漢字: also known as Chinese character), it goes by Ga(高), u(句), le(麗), so to speak, Gaule(高句麗). Hanja(漢字), as pictographs, was created by Baedal country(倍達國: Baedal means ‘awakening of the truth’) in BC3898 according to our history. Gamyoung(假名), as phonetic signs of 38 letters, was invented by a scholar named Elborek in BC2181. This Gamyoung is the predecessor of Hangel, the present Korean phonetic language. Our ancestors from BC2181 to about AD1300 seemed to use both pictographs, Hanja and phonetic symbols, Gamyoung. The reason I insist this is that we Koreans pronounce one character of Hanja(漢字) as one word whereas those of Jina(支那: means a lot of small branches; present China) pronounce one character Hanja usually by two words. Take DANGUNJOSEON(壇君朝鮮) for example, we Koreans pronounce Dan(壇) gun(君) jo(朝) seon(鮮), while Chinese people pronounce them as Tan(壇) tzw-in(君) cha-u(朝) she-en(鮮). It is evident that Hangel is a standard language as shown above. Accordingly, it seems that at the time of the foundation of Gaule(高句麗), Chinese people pronounced Ga(高) for Ga-u, gu(句) for gu, le(麗) for le respectively. Therefore, they pronounce Gaule for 高麗 instead of 高句麗, eliminating gu(句) in the middle of 高句麗. In other words, as far as the pronunciation is concerned, Gaule(高句麗) is the same as Gaule(高麗). In evidence, out of 25-authentic history books from China, 6 history books such as Juseo(周書), Suseo(隋書), Buksa(北史), Gudangseo(舊唐書), Sindangseo(新唐書),and Songsa(宋史),recorded Gaule(高麗: two words) instead of Gaule(高句麗: three words).
● Transformation from Caule(Gaule) to COREA
The original name of our country, in record, written in Latin( Roman), was expressed by a French missionary named Guillaume de Rubruquis, who went to the king of Mongol( China: 1271-1368, the capital was in Peking) with a personal letter from Louis IX in order to urge to bring about war to recapture the holy place with Christians. Returning to his country from Mongol(China), Rubruquis presented to Louis IX a written report , which bears, “To the East of China is a country of Caule”. This is the first of our country’s name written in Latin. Needless to say, in 1255, the country of Caule was not Caule(高句麗: Goguryea in Korean present way), but Caule(高麗: Goryeo,and the capital was in Simyang瀋陽, Yonyoung province) founded by emperor Wanggeon(王建). Goryeo succeeded to Goguryea, and the sea to the East of our peninsula was called East Sea, which meant eastern direction. It is evident that until 1255, Chinese people seemed to call us Caule as our country’s name, Caule,as in Rubruquis’ report. Besides this, Marco Polo(1254-1324) who was Italian, followed his father to Won(元: Mongol, China: the capital was in Peking) and stayed there for 17 years and came back to his country in 1292. When he stayed in China, he traveled to many countries in Asia continent during 17 years. In ‘Le Livre des Mervelles’, published on the basis of Marco Polo’s traveling experiences, our country, Korea, was spelled, Cauly. This Caule(Cauly) is the origin of Corea. Afterwards, it seems that Chinese people pronounced Cau(高) for ‘Co’, and those of Goryeo(高麗) pronounced it also as ‘Co’. The reason I insist this is that currently in 2012, Chinese people say Cau(高) as ‘Co’ and le(麗) as ‘le’ as yet. Consequently, the name of our country, Caule, written in Latin, transferred naturally and apparently to COREA. Because the pronunciation of Corea in modern English is exactly the same phonetic symbols of Korean and the English alphabet ‘C’ sounds like ‘K’ and the alphabet ‘O’ sounds ‘ou’ in phonetic symbols. It is obviously true that COREA, the name of our country, came into existence because of Gamyoung(Yidu: preceding name of Hangel(also known as Korean language). Nobody can deny it. In short, in Western countries, the name of our country was written in and known by the Latin alphabet ‘C’ since 1255, which means very important.
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